Monday, October 17, 2011


Around midnight last night I started to feel a cold coming on.  I could feel the scratchy throat and the difficulty to swallow, and I just knew it was coming and there was very little I could do to stop it.  I took some Nyquil before I went to sleep, in hopes that my symptoms would subside, and I would be set for work in the morning.  This morning I woke up around nine.  I don't usually wake up this early (due to my usual late nights), but because I took Nyquil, I was ready to go.  Unfortunately, my throat felt worse than it did last night.  So, after a couple hours of deliberating with Mom, I decided to call out sick.  Luckily I talked to my favorite manager, who was very understanding.  After that, at around 12:45, I made myself a breakfast bowl, a glass of raspberry lemonade, and two Dayquil tablets.  I then proceeded to sleep until five in the afternoon.

Doctors and parents have always told me that sleep will surely cure any sickness.  Sleep and fluids--those are the regimen.  Sleep and fluids haven't done shit for me today.  I had Cream of Mushroom soup for dinner (the only soup I could find in the house); I've been drinking water and juice; I've been sleeping insane hours.  I feel worse than I did this morning.  My post-nasal drip is ridiculous; I'm sneezing more; my head feels clouded...

So, the conclusion I have come to is that sleep and fluids doesn't help a damn thing.  Next time I'm sick I'll go into work and be a raving lunatic to customers and risk being fired, because at least then I will be making money for being sick, instead of spending my day becoming even more sick.

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