Friday, August 17, 2012


12 Relationship 'Nevers' to Remember
(Based on the Experiences of 5.5 Relationships)

1.  Never compromise your beliefs/goals for your S.O.
2.  Never hold onto a relationship in which you’ll be over 100 miles apart.
3.  Never introduce an S.O. to your extended family until a marriage proposal has been made; it will either scare your S.O. away or give your S.O. the impression that your relationship is more serious than you may anticipate.
4.  Never jump into a relationship when you still harbor feelings for an ex.
5.  Never go back to an ex who hurt you; you’re giving him/her permission to do it again.
6.  Never assume you’re in a relationship; third base doesn’t mean a thing.
7.  Never make “your song” a Top 40; if you break up, you’ll hear that shit everywhere.
8.  Never go to bed angry.
9.  Never give a gift you might want back.
10.  Never make promises you don’t intend to keep.
11.  Never  give up on someone who makes you genuinely happy, no matter what.
12.  Gibbs’s Rule: Never date a coworker.

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