Monday, September 12, 2011

033--Book Review Monday

I haven't done a book review in about three weeks, and now I've finished two books.  I'll share one with you and save the other for this Friday (hopefully--if I'm not too busy).

During vacation--which I know was almost a month ago--I read The Ex-Debutante, by Linda Francis Lee.  This was one of those books that I bought on a whim because it was marked down and had a pretty cover.  Legitimately, that was the reasoning.  The only way to describe this book is the novel equivalent of Sweet Home Alabama gone romance novel.  While there is a rather intimate scene between our main character, Carlisle, and her college sweetheart, Jack; I wouldn't rank it quite as explicit as some romance novels, but the passion is certainly there.  Carlisle, a once-debutante-now-lawyer, must return home to Willow Creek, Texas to settle her mother's fifth divorce, leaving her fiance in Boston.  Apart from spending her time in the courtroom, opposing Jack Blair in both feelings and legalities; Carlisle must also acquire eight graduating girls, polish them up, and present them as young women at Willow Creek's Annual Debutante Ball.

While this novel was very similar to the storyline of Sweet Home Alabama--new life in the city, old life in country, lying to one's fiance, falling for an old flame, etc--it was very different from the books I usually read, and I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. 

I would give this book an 8 out of 10--highly recommended.  If you would like to buy this book, here is a link, via Barnes and Noble--because I'm afraid it will go out of business like Borders--

Happy Reading!

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