Friday, August 19, 2011

026--Book Review Friday

So, in all of the excitement of vacationing, I almost forgot that today is Friday.  It's time for a book review!

During vacation, while lying on the beach (on a chair, of course; not in the sand), I had the opportunity to read Crazy Beautiful by Lauren Baratz-Logsted, a very Beauty and the Beast-esque novel.  Now, let's get one thing straight: I don't like Beauty and the Beast.  Two of my best friends consider that their favorite Disney movie, while I prefer the more recent Disney films.  However, that is entirely off-track.  As I said, this book follows the lives of a perfectly beautiful teenage girl and the deformed boy she inevitably falls in love with--or at least ends up kissing at the story's close.  In this case, a chemical explosion leaves Lucius without hands, and in their place he has two hooks.  Aurora manages to see past that exterior and recognize the boy within.  I suppose this could also be compared to Edward Scissorhands--though without the intense accidental slashing of Kim.  In fact, we find through the course of the book that Aurora's life isn't as rainbows-and-butterflies as it seems and Lucius's accident has a darker secret lingering beneath the surface.

All around, the novel was compelling and difficult to put down, even though I had a six-year-old niece to attend to throughout the week.  The alternating points of view helped satisfy my need for change and let me see both sides of the developing relationship without giving away too much of their backstory.

I give this book a 9 out of 10.  This novel can be purchased at this link, via Barnes and Noble:

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