Wednesday, July 13, 2011


What are all your thoughts on God?

This is a tough answer for me to explain.  My parents raised me as a Christian; I was baptized in the church my parents were married in; I attended Sunday school when I was young; and years later we went to a Methodist church on Easter morning.  As I got older, trips to church became few and far between, if ever.  I spent high school as an atheist and a fair amount of college agnostic.  My private liberal arts college maintains an association with the Disciples of Christ, so I was required to take a class on religion.  I avoided Christianity at all costs and took a class called Religions of Asia.  Our first assignment was to explain what we thought of religion, in which I said it was something for people to hide behind in order to feel better about the prospect of death.  (S/N: I got an A on that paper).

At this point in my life, my faith in God is a lot stronger than it used to be.  My junior year of college, I made a complete turn around and began praying; not every night, just when I needed to get my feelings out.  I don't really consider it praying, but everyone else seems to; I spent a lot of time just talking to the sky.  I think I knew deep down that I wanted to believe that there was someone up there listening to what I had to say.

I make it a point not to allow God to control my every action.  God is who I talk to when no one else will listen.  I make the choices I do for myself, not for God or anyone else.  That may seem selfish, but it's who I am.

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