Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Detail the greatest prank you have ever pulled off successfully.

Honestly, I have never successfully pulled off a prank.  That having been said, I was involved in an elaborate prank that failed in nearly every capacity, which I would love to detail.  I played club volleyball for six years on a club coached by pranksters.  Each season ended with a tournament at Penn State University.  We stayed in the dorms, ate in one of the dining halls, and played in the university gyms.  On several occasions I was doused with powdered Kool-Aid while showering, turning patches of skin and hair a disturbing shade of red or purple.  However, during one of my final years with the club, my coach asked our team to help her with a prank on another coach. 

We bought dozens of packages of ounce-sized Dixie bathroom cups and began stapling them together to make a blanket of cups.  When our blanket was the correct size--approximately the size of a long twin mattress that one would find in a college dorm room--we carried it down the hall to the other coach's room.  Our coach had managed to seize a copy of the key, and we were in.  We set our blanket on the bed and began filling each cup.  Basically, in order to move the blanket, she would have to drink each cup via straw.

Halfway through filling the blanket, we realized our grave mistake: we had the wrong room.  There we were with a watery blanket in a random person's room.  Somehow the fifteen of us managed to lift the blanket out the door, spilling a good majority of the water on the floor (which we cleaned up).

Though we did get the right room and pranked the other coach, she claimed it wasn't too difficult to move the blanket and dispose of it.  To this day, I have no idea whether she was telling us the truth, but this prank was not nearly the success mission that we had hoped.

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